
compilation -- @ 5:34 PM

i've been really behind on posting pictures. oops.
so here's a compilation of here & there;

1st outfit; thrifted denim vest & sweater, bellatrix floral blouse, f21 accessories & jeggings, dolce vita boots.
{"you look like you belong in a scrapbooking club or a motorcycle crew but not the cool kind" - B}
2nd outfit; h&m top, f21 belted shorts.

1st food pic; dinner date with my little main guy at ajito... we had yakitori - yummzah. but their ramen? ehh, not so much.
2nd food pic; shrimp scampi at mi piace is B-O-M-B. go there if you haven't been. yes, it's that good.

i work. eat. & play. -- on repeat.

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posted by CINDY NGO -- 48 comments

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hello :)

I'm a simple girl with complicated tendencies.

Cody is the best part of me.
& Will is my better half.