
nothing in my way. @ 3:14 PM

{hinge cardigan | ella moss lace tank | nordy's scarf | nine 3 two pink maxi skirt | franco sarto leopard heels}

7 things:

1. these leopard heels are beyond comfortable.
2. literally just threw on whatever was lying around... an easy going outfit with a bit of oomph.
3. i usually don't wear {outrageous}pink... but i found the scarf hiding in the back of my closet; it was a nice surprise.
4. i wouldn't mind living in these silky/chiffon skirts. lazy&comfy for days. hah.
5. ignore my failed attempt to 'twirl' on the last picture. haha
6. i realize that i should slow down & enjoy my life with nothing-in-my-way sorta attitude.
7. t-minus 7 days: birthday count down. so grateful, so excited & so nervous ... all at once. does that even make sense?

anyway, happy monday!
how was your weekend? i got to indulge in soo many delicious foods at the SF street food festival... including the yes please! nutella strawberry creme brulee from the creme brulee cart. yummms. xx


posted by CINDY NGO -- 51 comments

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hello :)

I'm a simple girl with complicated tendencies.

Cody is the best part of me.
& Will is my better half.