
come early morning. @ 12:35 PM

{cozy distressed sweater c/o stitch union | diy true religion shorts | marc by marc jacobs classic q baby aiden satchel | thrifted cole haan boots}

let's be honest... 100°+ in socal (in october!) isn't exactly sweater weather. so when i received this sweater from stitch union last week, i secretly wished i was back in SF for a day. i practically had to drag my mom out during the early morning hours - before the air started to heat up - just to take these pictures! i love that it's slightly distressed. it's so comfy, cozy, & perfect for the fall. when the cooler weather prevails, bundle up in this comfy knit with some leather leggings & over-the-knee boots for a laid back vibe.

ps. have you joined my giveaway with KAHLO? check out the previous post or just click here for a chance to win an amazing dress (retail at $160!) :)
wishing you all a happy weekend!


posted by CINDY NGO -- 40 comments

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hello :)

I'm a simple girl with complicated tendencies.

Cody is the best part of me.
& Will is my better half.