
tea affair. @ 11:37 PM

{vintage pleated dress, h&m studded bag, forever 21 maryjane heels}
{photo #2 taken by modcloth}

this past sunday, i was invited to attend modcloth's mod hatter blogger's tea party at their headquarters here in SF. did you peep out the adorable decors, fall displays & scrumptious desserts?! they did an amazing job because it was such a fun-filled afternoon. i had the pleasure to mingle with other bay area bloggers & was happy to have finally met the amazing people behind their blogs. it was also great to see & spend time with the other girls i've met before - anisa, chanda, kathleen & sherrie! thank you to modcloth, especially to susan {founder of modcloth}, turi & kate, for such a fun & memorable tea party!

check out the photo-booth & other behind the scenes photos taken by modcloth... click here and here.

ps. isn't the pug {winston} soooo adorable, huggable, lovable, & everything-able!! {if only that was a word!} lol. i have two pugs back my parent's house in LA and it made me miss them so much.

UPDATE: as i've mentioned before about blogger's wardrobe, i've made it to the 2nd part of the competition! {thank you so much to everyone!} 
pleeaase help me out by 'voting'. here's how:
1st: 'like' their FB page- click here.
2nd: 'like' my photo- click here.

it'd mean so much to me if you could take a minute out of your time to do so. thank you so much!! xx

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posted by CINDY NGO -- 78 comments

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hello :)

I'm a simple girl with complicated tendencies.

Cody is the best part of me.
& Will is my better half.