
flirty floral. @ 5:15 PM

{bellatrix coral flow tank (avail. at nordstrom rack) & beginning boutique lace skirt}

as promised, here is an outfit post!

i received this little floral gem a couple of weeks ago and i couldn't be happier with it. it's fun, flirty and floral. haha. & it only seemed appropriate to pair it with my favorite lace skirt-- a perfect combination if you ask me!

anyway, now that cody's 4th birthday party is all done and over with (which, by the way, turned out to be such a success!) ... i can finally relax and take a breather. we're going on a much needed vacation in t-minus 3 days! *insert excitement scream here* so, what are your plans for memorial day weekend?! x


posted by CINDY NGO -- 11 comments

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hello :)

I'm a simple girl with complicated tendencies.

Cody is the best part of me.
& Will is my better half.