some of my DIY wrapped friendship bracelets & wire rings. i had to include my homemade ice cream cupcake which was delicious. haha.
last month, i finished painting cody's room. the wall that's shown was hand painted by yours truly. it took longer than i'd expected but ms. perfectionist over here wanted everything to be p.e.r.f.e.c.t. & proportional. haha. & since then, i've been crazy busy planning his 4th birthday party which is coming up next weekend! it's quite obvious he loves superheroes! can't wait to post about it. :)
some random shots of cody & the things he loves: gelato, spiderman, family trips & the beach.
if you are following me on instagram, you'll know that i stole this shirt from cody. i honestly didn't have a tshirt to wear ... & well, he didn't mind. hehe
i know it's been a while since my last outfit posts... but i promise things will get back to how they were after this month. happy friday to you all & enjoy your weekend! x