
T-minus 2 days... @ 10:24 AM

I'm sooo loving everything WHITE right now.
& I'm super excited for what's to come this weekend.
Happy early birthday to me! :]

I'm thinking about cleaning out my closet soon & putting some stuff for sale. I got tons of stuff to get rid off and not enough money to buy new things. Lol. Asos is my new addiction! Does anyone else like their stuff? Anyway, be on the look out for SHOPdesign3rd in the near future! You don't want to miss out on some goodies...

Also, I wanted to thank you for all your comments! I love hearing from everyone... It's pretty exciting to see new readers. So if you haven't done so already, feel free to follow my blog & I'll be sure to return the favor!

So, what are your plans for this weekend?


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posted by CINDY NGO -- 3 comments

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hello :)

I'm a simple girl with complicated tendencies.

Cody is the best part of me.
& Will is my better half.