
weekend jaunt @ 11:44 PM

recap of my past weekend jaunt.
family, food & photography.
my three loves besides fashion, music & art.
i'm savoring every moment of life in every way that i can.

excuse the lack of post, it'll be cody's 3rd birthday tomorrow! i'm hoping the weather will cooperate this weekend & the next.

as i'm laying here... watching him sleep, thinking about how fast he's grown in the 3 short years. he's grown to be such a witty and charming little man. i wonder what the world holds in store for him. what will it be like 5 years, 10 years, 20 years from now? life is so good for him right now... i hope to keep it that way for a long while.

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posted by CINDY NGO -- 20 comments

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hello :)

I'm a simple girl with complicated tendencies.

Cody is the best part of me.
& Will is my better half.