
cozy friday @ 11:11 AM

{accessories; f21 & aldo, f21 scarf & tights, h&m sweater, hinge ruffled cardigan, DIY shorts, trouve; shirt & boots}

sweaters are like a walk in the park -- necessary.

When I think of the word “cozy,” other words come to mind: warmth, love, and shared memories. Sweaters have that same meaning for me, too. And, the sweater in this photo is no exception. This photo was taken of me at Rolph-Nicol park, my husband’s favorite childhood park, a place where he felt most at home. Whenever I put on this sweater and catch the wisps of winter’s scent in it, it forever reminds me of home and a cozy day spent with my two main men: my husband and son. I think all sweaters should be this cozy.

Hope you all had a successful & rewarding black friday! I'm running late as I have to pack for LA. I'll try to update as soon as I can. Have a wonderful weekend everyone!


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posted by CINDY NGO -- 13 comments

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hello :)

I'm a simple girl with complicated tendencies.

Cody is the best part of me.
& Will is my better half.